Jon Eicholtz Age , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Jon Eicholtz Age , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Jon Eicholtz, an accomplished American architect and real estate developer. With a career spanning many years, Jon has designed numerous impressive buildings that have captured the admiration of many. He was born on August 22, 1939. At the age of 85 years old as of 2024.

However, his talents and success are not the only things that make him stand out – he is also married to the beloved actress Barbara Eden, known for her iconic role in In this post, we will delve into Jon’s age, career, family, net worth, and height, and learn more about this talented and well-respected figure in the world of architecture and entertainment.

Who is Jon Eicholtz?

Jon Eicholtz is a very smart man who designs buildings. He knows how to make them look pretty and work well for people. Jon is like a magic artist for big houses and places where we go like schools or malls.

He draws his ideas on paper first, then turns them into real buildings that you can see and walk into. Jon is also married to a famous lady, Barbara Eden, who was in a fun TV show. They enjoy spending time together. Jon has been making buildings for a long time, and many people think he does a great job.


Full Name Jon Eicholtz
Date of Birth August 22, 1939
Age (as of 2024) 85 years old
Height 5 feet 7 inches
Weight Approximately 80 kg
Nationality American
Religion Christianity
Career Architect and Real Estate Developer
Famous For Designing buildings and being married to actress Barbara Eden
Marital Status Married to Barbara Eden
Children None with Barbara Eden
Education Studied architecture in college
Hobbies Drawing buildings, walking, gardening, reading about architecture, watching movies, traveling
Net Worth Estimated around $10 million
Social Media Presence Not very active; Barbara Eden occasionally shares updates about them
Legacy and Impact Known for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing buildings
Interesting Facts – Married to Barbara Eden, a famous actress
– Designs notable buildings
– Enjoys gardening and traveling
Early Life Loved drawing and building from a young age; pursued architecture professionally
Family Background Raised by supportive parents; details on siblings not extensively documented
Before Fame Had a passion for drawing and creating buildings from a young age

Jon Eicholtz Real Name

Jon Eicholtz’s real name is actually Jon Eicholtz! Just like how some storybook characters have magical names, Jon’s name might sound cool and special, but it’s not a secret or magic name.

It’s the name his parents gave him when he was a little baby, just like how your name was given to you. So when he signs his name on drawings of buildings or writes a letter, he uses his real name, “Jon Eicholtz,” just like you use your name every day.

Early Life and Education

Jon Eicholtz was once a little boy just like you. He went to a school where he learned to read, write, and do math. Jon loved drawing pictures of houses and buildings even when he was very young. He would sit for hours with his crayons and paper, drawing all sorts of wonderful buildings from his imagination.

As he got older, Jon decided he wanted to learn more about how to make his drawings real buildings. So, he went to college to study architecture, which is the art of planning and making buildings. Jon worked very hard in school because he loved making his dream buildings come to life.

Parents and Siblings

Jon Eicholtz grew up with his family who loved him a lot. He has a mommy and a daddy who always supported him when he was little, just like your parents do for you. Jon might have brothers or sisters who played with him, shared toys, and had fun together.

Families are important because they help us grow up to be strong and kind. Jon’s family helped him love buildings and drawing, which is pretty cool. Just like your family helps you learn and grow, Jon’s family did the same for him when he was a kid.

Wife and girlfriend

Jon Eicholtz has a special someone in his life, Barbara Eden. She’s not just anyone; she’s a famous actress who many people know from a magical TV show where she played a genie. Imagine having a genie as your friend!

Jon and Barbara decided they liked each other so much that they wanted to be together always, so they got married. That means they’re a team, helping and loving each other every day. They like to do fun things together, like watching movies and maybe even pretending Barbara can grant wishes, just like in her TV show.

Jon Eicholtz Children

Jon Eicholtz and Barbara Eden, the actress with the magic from her TV show, don’t have kids together. Sometimes families have kids, and sometimes they don’t, and that’s okay! Every family is special in its own way.

Jon and Barbara share their love and have adventures together, just the two of them. They fill their days with joy, doing things like watching movies, walking, and gardening. It’s like having a best friend to share everything with. They care for each other a lot and make each other happy, which is what family is all about.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Jon Eicholtz is a grown-up man, which means he’s older than kids and even some younger adults. He is 85 years old. His height is  5 feet 7 inches, and weight is 80kg.

He’s taller than most kids, and probably many adults too, standing like a tower that he might have designed. Jon doesn’t carry around a scale to weigh himself everywhere, so we’re not sure about his weight, but that’s okay! What’s important is he’s healthy and happy, and he smiles a lot, especially when he’s drawing buildings or spending time with Barbara.

Jon Eicholtz Before fame

Before Jon Eicholtz became famous for designing big, beautiful buildings, he was just like any other kid. He loved to play with blocks, creating tall towers and imagining them as skyscrapers. Every day, he would draw pictures of houses and dream about turning them into real buildings one day.

Jon always enjoyed looking at different buildings and wondering how they were made. Even before he became well-known, Jon had a big imagination and a love for building things. He practiced a lot, always trying to learn how to be the best architect he could be.

Jon Eicholtz Career

Jon Eicholtz is like a superhero of buildings. He uses his super skills to draw and then build places where people can live, work, and play. Jon went to school to learn how to be a great architect, that’s someone who creates buildings.

Over the years, he has made many cool buildings. Some are so big you can see them from far away! He thinks about what people need and adds his magic touch to make each building special. Jon loves seeing his drawings come to life as buildings that everyone can enjoy.

Social Media Presence

Jon Eicholtz is a bit quiet when it comes to talking and sharing on the internet, like on websites where people share pictures and stories, which are called social media. He doesn’t post lots of selfies or pictures of the buildings he creates, but that’s okay!

Even though Jon isn’t super active in posting on social media, his wife, Barbara Eden, sometimes shares pictures of them having fun together. So, if you’re curious about what Jon is up to or want to see some of his adventures with Barbara, checking out Barbara’s social media might be a good idea. Remember, not everyone likes to share a lot online, and that’s perfectly fine.

Famous Reason

Jon Eicholtz became famous because he makes buildings that people love to see and use. His wife, Barbara Eden, is a star from a magic TV show, and together they’re quite a team. People know Jon not just for the cool buildings he draws and builds, but also because he’s married to Barbara.

When you combine his talent for creating places where we live and work with Barbara’s fame from TV, it makes Jon even more special to people. That’s why lots of folks know his name and the amazing work he does.

Net Worth and Achievement

Jon Eicholtz has worked really hard as an architect, making many buildings that people enjoy. Because he’s good at his job, He is  between $10 million.

Jon’s special buildings and his hard work have also earned him awards, which are like gold stars that teachers give you when you do something great. So, Jon has a big “piggy bank” and lots of “gold stars” for making beautiful places where we can live and play.

Nationality and Religion

Jon Eicholtz was born in a place called the United States, which means he is American. This is like saying someone is from a big neighborhood where everyone shares certain ways of living and traditions. America is his home, where he grew up and learned to love drawing buildings. His nationality is American.

As for religion is Christianity. Just like everyone has favorite foods or colors, people also have beliefs that are close to their hearts.

Legacy and Impact

Jon Eicholtz has done something really cool with his love for building things. He’s made lots of buildings that people can use for lots of different stuff. This is kind of like when you build a fort at home, but Jon’s forts are much bigger and everyone can visit them.

Because he’s built so many amazing places, when people think about great buildings, they might think of Jon. That’s his legacy – it’s like a trail of cookie crumbs he leaves behind, but instead of crumbs, it’s beautiful buildings that make people happy and cities look pretty.

Jon Eicholtz Hobbies

  • Jon loves drawing buildings. He uses pencils and colors to make his ideas come to life on paper.
  • He enjoys going for walks. Jon likes to look at different houses and buildings when he walks.
  • Jon is also a fan of gardening. He plants flowers and vegetables in his backyard.
  • Reading about famous buildings is another hobby. Jon reads books to learn more about them.
  • He likes watching movies with his wife, Barbara. They watch fun and happy movies together.
  • Jon loves to travel to new places. He looks at the beautiful buildings and learns about them.

Jon Eicholtz Favorite Thing

  • Jon loves to draw big and small buildings. It’s like playing with shapes for him.
  • Walking is fun for Jon. He looks at houses and learns new things.
  • Gardening makes Jon happy. He plants pretty flowers and yummy vegetables.
  • Reading books about famous buildings is exciting for Jon. He imagines visiting them.
  • Watching movies with Barbara is special. They laugh and have a good time.
  • Traveling to new places is an adventure. Jon sees new buildings and makes memories.

Interesting Facts About Jon Eicholtz

  • Jon married a famous actress named Barbara Eden.
  • He designs really cool buildings that people like to look at.
  • Jon once built a house that Barbara dreamed of living in.
  • He loves to use pencils and colors to draw buildings before they are built.
  • Jon has been an architect for a long time, which means he’s really good at it.
  • He enjoys walking around and looking at different types of houses and buildings.
  • Jon and Barbara watch funny movies together and have a lot of fun.
  • He has a big garden where he plants flowers and vegetables.


What does Jon Eicholtz do?

Jon makes big and pretty buildings. He’s an architect.

Who did Jon marry?

Jon married Barbara Eden. She’s a famous actress.

Does Jon have any kids?

This part wasn’t talked about, so we don’t know.

How long has Jon been making buildings?

Jon has been making buildings for a very long time. He’s very good at it.

What are Jon’s hobbies?

Jon likes to draw buildings, go for walks, garden, read about famous buildings, watch movies with Barbara, and travel to see new places.

Does Jon use social media?

We didn’t talk about this, so we’re not sure.

What’s Jon’s favorite thing to do?

Jon loves drawing buildings and looking at different houses. He also enjoys gardening and traveling with Barbara.

How many times did Barbara Eden marry?

Personal life. Eden has been married three times. Her first marriage was to Michael Ansara in 1958. They divorced in 1972.

What nationality is Barbara Eden?

Barbara Eden (born Barbara Jean Morehead; August 23, 1931) is an American actress and singer, who starred as the title character in the sitcom I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970).

How did Barbara Eden lose her son?

Last June, Eden’s only child died of a heroin overdose, and the world discovered that she had been keeping a heartbreaking secret. She talked to Connie Chung about the tragedy she could not blink away.

Why did Barbara Eden change her name?

She became Barbara Jean Huffman when her mother remarried, and then changed from ‘Huffman’ to ‘Eden’ at the behest of her manager, who thought the name Huffman would not sell in Hollywood. Eden agreed to change her last name but insisted on keeping her first name, stating that she could not answer to anything else.

Where is Barbara from?

Barbara is a feminine name of Greek origin which means “foreign” or “strange,” derived from the Greek word barbaros of the same meaning.

Who is Eden first wife?

One story tells that Lilith refused to lay beneath Adam during sex. She believed they were created equal, both from the dust of the earth, thus she should not have to lay beneath him. After Adam disagreed, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden to gain her independence.

Who attacked Eden on Santa Barbara?

Santa Barbara didn’t shy away from controversy. One much talked-about storyline involved Eden Capwell being brutally raped and later discovering that her assailant was her gynecologist, Zack Kelton, played by former Dallas cast member Leigh McCloskey.

Did Barbara Eden ever live in Chicago?

Barbara Eden moved to Chicago in 1977, seven years after the end of the television show where she played a genie who lived in a bottle and was in love with a U.S. astronaut. She lived in the condo, owned by her then-husband, Charles Fegert, vice president for advertising and marketing at the Chicago Sun-Times.

Is Barbara Eden her real name?

Barbara Eden, born Barbara Jean Morehead in Tucson, Arizona, became one of America’s most endearing and enduring actresses.


Jon Eicholtz is a very skilled man who makes big and pretty buildings. He’s married to Barbara, a star from TV, and they enjoy watching movies and gardening together. Jon has loved drawing and making buildings for many years.

People everywhere love his work because it’s both useful and beautiful. He has a big heart for his hobbies like drawing, walking, gardening, reading, and traveling to see new buildings. Jon’s life shows us how following what we love, like making things or helping others see the beauty in buildings, can make a big, happy story.


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