Crip Mac Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Crip Mac


Crip Mac is a rising rapper in the music industry, known for his hard-hitting lyrics and unique sound. Born as Trevor Hurd on February 20, 1993, in the United States, Crip Mac has quickly made a name for himself in the rap game. As of 2024, he is 31 years old and has already achieved great success in his career.

With hits like “55th Street” and “No Fair Ones,” Crip Mac has a strong following. His net worth is $3 million. He also recently released an album titled 55th St in 2023 and a single called “Quit Playin” with DJ Flippp. Despite his fame, Crip Mac remains humble and dedicated to his craft.

Who is Crip Mac?

Crip Mac is a man who makes music, kind of like a storyteller but with beats. He was born a long time ago, in 1993. That makes him much older than you! He sings songs and people like to listen to them. Crip Mac also likes to box, which means he practices a sport where he punches safely in gloves.

He shares videos where he’s boxing or just having fun, and lots of people watch them on a place called Instagram. He also has a little girl named Cah’lani, and he’s very happy to be her dad. Crip Mac is his nickname, but his real name is Trevor. He likes to share his music and stories with everyone.


Crip Mac
Date of Birth
February 20, 1993
31 years old as of 2024
United States

Real Name

Crip Mac might sound like a cool superhero name from one of your comic books, but guess what? It’s not his real name!

His actual name when he was born is Trevor Hurd. Like you might have a nickname from family or friends, Crip Mac is a name he chose for his music. Isn’t it fun how we can have different names?

Early Life and Education

Crip Mac, or Trevor as he was called when he was little like you, grew up in a place called the United States. When he was your age, he went to school just like you do. He learned to read, write, and do math. School was where he found out he loved music and storytelling. Imagine sitting in class and dreaming up songs!

That’s what he did. He also played at recess, made friends, and probably did some homework too. Trevor kept learning and growing, and all the things he learned helped him become the rapper Crip . Isn’t it fun to think about what you might become one day?

Parents and siblings.

Crip Mac, who you know is really Trevor, has a mom named Crystal Hurd. She’s very special to him and has always been there for him. About his dad, we don’t know much, and Trevor hasn’t talked a lot about him.

As for brothers and sisters, Trevor hasn’t shared if he has any siblings. So, it might just be him and his mom, Crystal. Families come in all sizes. For Trevor, his family is his mom and his beautiful daughter, Cah’lani. Just like your family, they love and support each other a lot!


Our stories about Crip Mac, aka Trevor, don’t confirm if he has a wife. Sometimes, adults share details about their family, like their kids or parents. Other times, they keep some things private. It’s like in school.

You might share your snack but keep your favorite toy. We don’t know if Trevor has a wife. But, he has a lovely daughter, Cah’lani, who brings him joy.


Crip Mac is a daddy to a very special little girl named Cah’lani. She was born in May 2024, making her a tiny new member of their family.

They might play games together, share stories, or just enjoy laughing with each other. Being a dad to Cah’lani is a big part of Crip Mac’s life, and he makes sure she feels loved and happy every day. Cah’lani brings a lot of joy and smiles to her dad’s life.

Crip Mac physical appearance: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Crip Mac is a pretty tall person, standing at about the height of five big school rulers put end to end. That makes him 5 feet 9 inches tall! Imagine stacking five rulers on top of each other; that’s how tall he is. He also weighs as much as 79 big bags of sugar you might find in your kitchen.

This helps him be strong, especially when he is boxing. His body is just right for all the fun activities he loves to do, like making music and playing with his daughter. He’s not too tall and not too short, just the perfect height for being a dad and a rapper.

Crip Mac Before Fame

Before Crip Mac became known for his cool rap songs and boxing videos, he was just Trevor, a regular kid growing up. Imagine playing in the playground, going to school, and dreaming about what you want to be when you grow up.

That’s what Trevor did too. He might have played tag with friends. Crip might have worked hard on school projects. He might have even started writing rhymes or beats in his notebook. Just like you have dreams and hobbies, so did Trevor. They helped him become the rapper known as Crip Mac.

Crip Mac Career

Crip Mac is like a music artist who paints pictures with his words. He started sharing his music in 2021 with a song called “Opp Goblin.” That was his first step into the big world of music. Then, he made more songs and even a big collection of his music called an album. People really liked listening to him.

He also made a song with DJ Flippp called “Quit Playin” and an album named 55th St in 2023. Making music is what he loves to do, and lots of people enjoy his songs and stories he tells through them.

Crip Mac Social Media Presence

Crip Mac shares fun things on a place called Instagram. It’s like a big photo album online where he can show pictures and videos to people who like his music and boxing. He has a special name there, cripmac_, and lots of people, 130,000, follow him to see what he’s up to.

They see him practice boxing, maybe making music, and having fun. It’s like sharing your drawings or a dance you learned. Mac uses Instagram to share his day and things he enjoys with friends and fans worldwide.

Crip Mac Net Worth

Crip Mac has a treasure chest. It’s not full of gold and jewels. It’s filled with money he made from singing and sharing his music. Imagine having a big piggy bank; that’s sort of what his net worth is like. His piggy bank is really big because it’s estimated to be $3 million.

That’s like if you saved up all your allowance and birthday money for a really, really long time! He got this treasure by working hard, making cool songs, and being good at what he does. Just think of it as a super big piggy bank for his music!

Crip Mac Famous Reason

Crip Mac became famous because he tells stories through his music. Imagine drawing a picture that tells a story. Mac does that, but with words and cool beats in his songs. People listen to his music and feel happy, excited, or even think deeply.

His famous song “55th Street” is like a favorite book you ask to read over and over. He also shares videos of him boxing, which is like showing off a sport you’re good at.

Crip Mac Legacy and Impact

Crip Mac, also called Trevor, does more than just make music and box. He shows people that it’s okay to be yourself and to share your stories and talents with the world. He teaches us to work hard at what we love and to never give up, even when things get tough.

Because of his songs and how he acts, many people feel happier and inspired to do their best. Crip makes the world better. He spreads joy through music and kindness to others. Just like a superhero does with their powers, Crip Mac uses his music to make a big, happy difference.

Crip Mac Future Plains

Crip Mac has big dreams for the future! He plans to make more music that people can nod their heads and dance to. Imagine creating songs that everyone around the world can listen to and enjoy – that’s what he wants to do! He also wants to be the best dad to Cah’lani, playing with her and teaching her new things every day.

Plus, he might share even more fun boxing videos for everyone to see how he gets stronger. He is always thinking of new adventures and ways to make his music even cooler for us to hear.


  • Mac likes to spend time working out. He often shares videos where he is boxing. Boxing helps him stay strong and fast.

  • He also enjoys making music. Making music is like telling stories with beats and rhythms.

  • Sharing moments on Instagram is fun for him. He posts pictures and videos for people to see what he is doing.

  • Spending time with his daughter, Cah’lani, is very special. They might play games, laugh, and have fun together.

  • Mac loves to talk to friends on podcasts. Talking on podcasts is like having a big conversation that many people can listen to.

Interesting Facts About Crip Mac

  • Mac was born on February 20, 1993.

  • He is a rapper who sings cool songs.

  • He put out his first song in 2021 named “Opp Goblin.”

  • Mac also likes boxing and shares videos on Instagram.

  • He became a daddy to Cah’lani in May 2024.

  • His real name is Trevor Hurd, and his mom’s name is Crystal.

  • He talked on a show called No Jumper with a man named Adam22.

  • Mac is as tall as five rulers stacked up and weighs as much as 79 big bags of sugar.

  • Lots of people follow him on Instagram to see what he’s up to.

  • He has a big smile and loves making music.


What is Crip Mac’s real name?

His real name is Trevor Hurd.

How old is Crip Mac?

He is 31 years old as of 2024.

Does Crip Mac have any children?

Yes, he has a daughter named Cah’lani who was born in May 2024.

What does Crip Mac like to do for fun?

He loves boxing, making music, and posting on Instagram. He also enjoys spending time with his daughter.

Who is Crip Mac’s mom?

His mom’s name is Crystal Hurd.

What is Crip Mac famous for?

He is known for being a rapper and has songs like “55th Street”.

How tall is Crip Mac?

He is 5 feet 9 inches tall.


In the end, Crip Mac, also known as Trevor Hurd, is a very talented rapper. He loves making music, boxing, and spending time with his daughter, Cah’lani. Mac shares fun videos on Instagram and talks to people on podcasts. He has many fans who enjoy his songs and his stories. Mac works hard and loves what he does.

He shows everyone that following your dreams and working hard can lead to great things. Remember, Mac’s music and his big smile make a lot of people happy. Isn’t it cool how music and love for family can bring joy?


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