Juman Malouf Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Juman Malouf

Juman Malouf is a talented artist, designer, and illustrator. She is well-known and has a net worth of $3 million. Born on January 1, 1975, in Beirut, Lebanon, she is currently 49 years old as of 2024. Malouf is best known for her work in the film industry. She worked on popular films. They include Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009). Also, The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) and Moonrise Kingdom (2012).

Her parents are Fouad Malouf and Hanan al-Shaykh. She met her partner, the famous film director Wes Anderson, in 2009. In 2016, they welcomed their first child, Freya. They live in London and visit New York. Join us to learn about the life and career of Juman Malouf. We will also cover her net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio in 2024.

Who is Juman Malouf?

Juman Malouf is a very creative lady who makes art and designs for movies. Imagine drawing pictures that become part of a film everyone can see! She was born in a place called Beirut, which is far away in a country named Lebanon.

She loves to draw, tell stories, and make beautiful things that can tell their own stories. Juman works with her friend, Wes Anderson, to create these movies. She has a magical touch that brings stories to life!


Juman Malouf
Date of Birth
January 1, 1975
49 years old as of 2024
Beirut, Lebanon
Real Name

Her real name is Juman Malouf. It’s like in a storybook where characters have special names that fit them perfectly. Juman’s name is unique and sounds like it comes from a magical place. Just like her name, she creates beautiful art and stories that feel like they’re from a fairy tale.

Her name is easy to remember because it’s just like her – special and full of creativity. So, next time you hear the name Juman Malouf, think of all the wonderful movies and drawings she’s made. Her name is just the beginning of her magical world.

Early Life and Education

Juman Malouf grew up in a beautiful city called Beirut, which is in Lebanon. As a little girl, Juman loved to draw and make up stories, using her imagination to create her own magical worlds. She went to school just like you, where she learned to read and write. Juman enjoyed reading fairy tales and drawing pictures from the stories she read.

Her love for art and storytelling grew stronger as she got older. She worked hard in school. She was always curious and wanted to learn about everything around her. This love for learning helped Juman become the talented artist she is today.

Parents and siblings.

Juman Malouf’s mommy is named Hanan al-Shaykh and her daddy is Fouad Malouf. Hanan writes beautiful stories. Juman loves to make magical movies and draw. Fouad must be very proud of all the cool things Juman does. Juman hasn’t talked much about having brothers or sisters, so she might be an only child.

Imagine having all your toys to yourself. But, also getting to share your biggest adventures with your mom and dad. Juman’s family sounds pretty special, doesn’t it? They probably have lots of fun telling stories and drawing together.


Juman Malouf’s husband is a man named Wes Anderson. Wes is like a wizard with movies, making them with lots of imagination and fun. Imagine creating worlds where every corner is filled with wonder; that’s what Wes does! He and Juman are a dream team, working together to sprinkle magic into their films.

They met many years ago and decided to share their lives and their love for storytelling. Together, they make a home filled with love, stories, and lots of creativity. Wes is not just her husband but also her best friend in crafting beautiful tales.


Juman Malouf and Wes Anderson have a special little girl named Freya, who was born in 2016. Freya is their only child and brings lots of joy and happiness into their home. Imagine having a mom and dad who create magical movies!

Freya might hear amazing stories every day and maybe even help them think of new ideas. Just like her parents, Freya might love to draw, read storybooks, and play in her own imaginary worlds.

Juman Malouf physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Juman Malouf is as tall as a grown-up at 5 feet 7 inches,And her weight is 60 kilograms. Imagine holding all those apples! That’s how much she weighs. Juman is just the right size for all the amazing things she does, like drawing and making movies.

She’s tall enough to reach for the stars in her stories. She’s also strong enough to carry her ideas from her head to the paper or screen. This makes her art come to life for all of us to see.

Juman Malouf Before Fame

Before Juman Malouf became famous for making movies and drawing, she was just like any other kid. She loved to use her crayons and imagination to make her own stories on paper. Juman spent a lot of time dreaming up adventures and creating her own magical worlds.

Even when she was small, everyone could see she had a special talent for art and storytelling. She worked hard and believed in her dreams. She showed us that creativity and dedication let us achieve great things.

Juman Malouf Career

Juman Malouf loves to make art that goes into movies, which is a cool job! She worked on movies like “Fantastic Mr. Fox,” where animals talk and go on adventures.

It’s kind of like playing dress-up but for a movie. She uses her imagination to help make the movies special and fun for everyone who watches them. She works with other artists and her friend Wes Anderson to bring these fun stories to life on the big screen.

Juman Malouf Net Worth

Juman Malouf has saved up a big treasure chest from her cool job, like pirates. But, instead of gold coins, she has dollars. Her net worth is estimated to be $3 million! That’s like if you had a giant piggy bank and kept adding coins and dollars every day for a very, very long time.

t’s like every picture she draws adds a little more to her treasure. Isn’t that amazing? Imagine what you could do with such a big treasure!

Juman Malouf Famous Reason

Juman Malouf became famous because she is super talented at making art for movies. Imagine you draw a picture and then it gets to be part of a movie that lots of people watch all over the world! Juman helped create the looks for movies like “Fantastic Mr. Fox” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel.”

She draws and designs what you see, from the characters to the places they visit. That’s a big job, and she does it so well, making her famous for her amazing art skills!

Juman Malouf Nationality and religion.

Juman Malouf is from a beautiful place called Beirut in Lebanon. This makes her Lebanese. It’s like when you hear where someone is from. You know a bit about them because every place has its own stories.

Lebanon is a country with lots of history and stories. People from there might speak different languages and enjoy different foods. About what she believes or her religion, Juman hasn’t talked much about it. Just as everyone has a favorite color or game. People also have beliefs that are special to them and their families.

Juman Malouf Legacy and Impact

Juman Malouf has done something very special. She creates movies that are like wonderful dreams you can watch. Her art makes people happy and inspires them to dream big too. Because of her movies, many children and grown-ups have learned to love stories even more. They see her movies and want to create magical things themselves.

Juman shows us that drawing and telling stories can change the world in beautiful ways. Every time someone watches her movies, they see a bit of her magic. That’s how Juman Malouf leaves a sparkle in the world, like a fairy leaving a trail of glitter.

Juman Malouf Future Plains

Juman Malouf has big dreams for the future! She wants to keep making movies. They should be like stepping into a magical world, full of adventure and wonder. Juman plans to keep drawing and creating stories, maybe even writing a book one day that could turn into a movie!

She also hopes to travel to new places with her family. She wants to find inspiration for her art and stories in the countries they visit. Juman’s future is bright and colorful. It is full of possibilities and new adventures. They wait around every corner, like in her drawings.


  • Juman loves to draw pictures. She uses lots of colors to make them pretty.

  • She enjoys reading storybooks, especially fairy tales and adventures.

  • Juman likes to write stories. Sometimes, she writes about magical places.

  • Gardening is fun for her. She plants flowers and watches them grow.

  • Juman collects stamps from different countries. Each stamp tells a story.

  • She likes to watch movies with her family on the weekend.

  • Making crafts is one of her favorite things to do. She creates cool things with paper and glue.

Interesting Facts About Juman Malouf

  • Juman Malouf was born in a far-off place called Beirut in Lebanon. It’s a country with lots of history.

  • Her mom and dad are named Hanan and Fouad. They must be proud of her!

  • Juman has a special friend, Wes Anderson, who makes movies too. They met in 2009.

  • Together, Juman and Wes have a child named Freya, who was born in 2016.

  • They live in two big cities: London and sometimes New York.

  • Juman is quite tall, almost as tall as a door at 5 feet 7 inches!


What does Juman Malouf do?

Juman makes beautiful art for movies. You might have seen some like “Fantastic Mr. Fox” which is really fun to watch!

Who is her best friend?

Juman’s best friend is Wes Anderson, who also makes movies. They like to create stories together.

Does Juman have any kids?

Yes, she has a daughter named Freya. They probably have a lot of fun together playing and reading stories.

Where does she live?

Juman lives in big cities called London and sometimes New York. Imagine all the cool things she sees every day!

How tall is Juman?

She is as tall as the classroom door, about 5 feet 7 inches!

What are some things Juman likes to do?

Juman loves drawing, reading, and making crafts. She also enjoys gardening and collecting stamps from around the world.


This story taught us about Juman Malouf. She is a talented lady who makes magical movies. Juman loves to draw and read. She comes from a far-away place called Beirut and has made some cool films that many people love. Juman has a family with Wes Anderson, and together they have a little girl named Freya.

They have homes in two big cities where they make more magic happen. Juman shows us that with imagination and hard work, you can make wonderful things.


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