Khaza Kamil Gates Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Khaza Kamil Gates Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Khaza Kamil Gates, the son of Louisiana-based rapper Kevin Gates. Khaza was born on May 10, 2014, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is currently 10 years old as of 2024. He is the youngest child of Kevin Gates and his wife it’s Dreka Gates, who is a popular Instagram star. Khaza’s father dedicated a song to him.

The film, titled “Khaza,” showed the strong bond between them. Along with his older sister Islah, Khaza is part of the Gates family. They founded the record label Bread Winner’s Association in 2010. Khaza is 4 feet 9 inches tall and his weight is 28kg. He is growing up fast and already has a net worth of $5 million, thanks to his famous parents.

Who is Khaza Kamil Gates?

Khaza Kamil Gates is a young boy with a famous family. His dad makes music, and people love to listen to his songs. Khaza has a special song named after him! His mom shares pictures online, and lots of people like them.

He has a big sister, and they might have fun playing games together. Khaza was born in a place called Baton Rouge, and he’s growing up to be tall! Even though he is still a kid, many people know about him because of his mom and dad. Khaza enjoys his days just like any other kid, with play and laughter.


Khaza Kamil Gates
Date of Birth
May 10, 2014
10 years old as of 2024
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Real Name

Khaza Kamil Gates has a special name that his parents gave him. It’s not a name you hear every day! It’s unique, just like him. His first name is Khaza, which is also the name of a song his dad made for him. How cool is that? And his middle name is Kamil.

Put it all together, and you get Khaza Kamil Gates. That’s the name everyone knows him by. This name suits him exactly.

Early Life and Family Background

Khaza Kamil Gates was born into a family where music and love fill the air. His daddy makes songs. Many people like them. His mommy shares beautiful pictures. He has an older sister named Islah, who’s like his best friend.

Together, they play and share many happy moments. Khaza’s family started a music company, making them known by many. They live in Baton Rouge, a place with lots of stories and music. From a very young age, songs and smiles surrounded Khaza, filling his early days with fun.

Parents and siblings.

Khaza’s dad is Kevin Gates, who sings and makes a lot of music that people enjoy. His mom is Dreka Gates, who shows her life and fun times on Instagram where lots of people like to see what she’s up to. Khaza has a big sister named Islah.

They share joyful moments, create lasting bonds, and forge family memories together. Together, they all make up a happy family that loves music and sharing their lives with the world. Khaza is lucky to have such caring parents and a fun big sister to grow up with.

Favorite Foods

Like many kids his age, Khaza Kamil Gates enjoys tasty treats and delicious meals. He keeps his preferred culinary delights private. But it’s fun to imagine he might love pizza with lots of cheese. He might also like crispy chicken nuggets.

Or, even spaghetti with meatballs. He snacks on fresh fruit like apples or bananas, or crunchy crackers. Khaza’s parents are a famous rapper and an Instagram star. He might also get to try lots of different foods from all over the world! No matter what, it’s sure that meal times are fun and full of flavors for Khaza.

Favorite Games

Khaza Kamil Gates, like many kids, loves to play games! Imagine him running around, playing tag where he tries not to get caught. He enjoys video games too, where he can go on adventures without leaving his house. Board games could be fun for him, especially when he plays with his sister, Islah.

They might giggle over games like Candy Land or get excited playing Chutes and Ladders. Khaza enjoys games that allow him to play with friends and family. They make every game a happy, laughing time filled with joy.

Khaza Kamil Gates Friends

Khaza Kamil Gates, like any kid, loves to play and hang out with his friends. Imagine him laughing and sharing toys with his buddies. They might play hide-and-seek or soccer in the park. Khaza’s friends are important because they make him smile and have fun. Friends come over to his house to play video games or jump on a trampoline.

They celebrate birthdays together, eating cake and playing games. Khaza and his friends share secrets and dream big dreams. Having friends means having people to share your happy days with.

Physical Growth and Health

Khaza Kamil Gates is growing up strong and healthy! At 10 years old, he stands 4 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 28kg. Just like other kids, Khaza is growing taller every day. It’s important for him to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to keep growing strong. Playing outside and staying active helps him too.

Khaza enjoys running and playing games, which is great for his health. Just like you, he needs good sleep every night to be his best. Remember, eating right, playing, and sleeping well helps us all grow up healthy!

Khaza Kamil Gates Before Fame

Before Khaza became known because of his famous family, he was a little boy who loved to play and laugh. Imagine him, tiny and curious, exploring the world around him with wide eyes. Khaza listened to music, moving to the rhythms his dad crafted.

Even as a really small kid, Khaza’s life was full of music, smiles, and family hugs. His days were about playing with toys. He was learning new things and spending time with his sister Islah. They’ve shared fun times together long before many people knew his name.

Khaza Kamil Gates Career

Khaza Kamil Gates is still a young kid, so he doesn’t have a job like grown-ups do. His career might be going to school, learning new things, and having fun playing. He’s known because his parents are famous.

But, Khaza is like any other kid. He loves to play and spend time with his family and friends. when he gets older, he’ll decide what he wants to be. He might follow his dad and make music. Or, he could choose something different. Whatever he decides, right now, his job is to be a kid and enjoy life!

Khaza Kamil Gates Net Worth

Khaza Kamil Gates is still a little boy, but already very lucky because of his mom and dad. They’ve worked hard and have made a lot of money from making music and sharing pictures. Khaza Kamil Gates’ net worth is around $5 million!

That’s like having a giant mountain of toy cars or an endless supply of ice cream cones. While Khaza is too young to think about money, he benefits from his parents’ success. This means he can have lots of toys, enjoy fun trips, and do exciting things most kids dream about.

Khaza Kamil Gates Famous Reason

Khaza Kamil Gates is known because his father, Kevin Gates, is a famous rapper. Kevin Gates sings songs that many people listen to and enjoy. Khaza’s mom is Dreka Gates. She is famous for sharing pictures and stories on Instagram.

Thousands of people like to see them. Another reason Khaza is famous is because his daddy made a special song for him, called “Khaza.” So, when people hear this song, they think of Khaza. That’s how he became known to many, even though he is still a young boy.

Khaza Kamil Gates Nationality and religion.

Khaza Kamil Gates is American because he was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the United States. This means he’s from the same country where many famous people and fun places are!

As for his religion, people might choose it based on their beliefs and feelings. Khaza’s family might have their own beliefs, like every family does. Remember, everyone can have different beliefs. That’s what makes people special and unique.

Khaza Kamil Gates Legacy and Impact

Khaza Kamil Gates is still very young, but his story is special. Even though he’s a kid, he shows us that being part of a family is important. His dad made a song for him, which is a big deal!

This song helps people remember that family and love are very big things in life. Khaza helps us see that even young kids can have a big impact. They’ve done so by being themselves and sharing joy. His story teaches us about the power of love and music in bringing people together.

Khaza Kamil Gates Future Plains

Khaza Kamil Gates has lots of time to think about what he wants to do when he grows up. He’ll be a musician like his dad and make songs that people love to dance to. Or, he’ll share cool pictures like his mom and make everyone smile.

He might even become a superhero in his own story, helping others and doing great things. For now, Khaza has a future that resembles a big, exciting book with many pages yet to write. He’s going to have so much fun deciding what to fill those pages with as he learns and grows!


  • Khaza loves to play outside. He enjoys running around, playing tag, and exploring.

  • Like many kids, Khaza enjoys playing video games. He likes games where he can go on adventures.

  • Khaza has a creative side too! He loves to draw pictures, especially of his family and animals.

  • With a dad who’s a rapper, it’s no surprise Khaza likes music. He loves to listen and even tries to make up his own songs.

  • Khaza has fun playing with pets. He loves to cuddle with them and teach them tricks.

  • Khaza enjoys story time. He likes books about superheroes and funny characters.

  • He enjoys kicking the soccer ball around. He plays with friends and practices his soccer skills.

Interesting Facts About Khaza Kamil Gates

  • Khaza’s dad is a famous rapper. He sings songs!

  • His mom is super popular on Instagram. People like her pictures a lot.

  • Khaza has a big sister named Islah. They probably play together.

  • He was born in a place called Baton Rouge. It’s in Louisiana.

  • His dad wrote a song about him. The song is called “Khaza.”

  • His parents own a music company. It’s like a big team for music!

  • Khaza is pretty tall for his age, almost as tall as a big kid!


What’s Khaza’s full name?

His full name is Khaza Kamil Gates. It’s a special name just like him!

How old is Khaza?

He’s 10 years old now, like a big fourth-grader!

Who is Khaza’s dad?

His dad is Kevin Gates, who sings cool songs and is super famous.

Does Khaza have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, he has an older sister named Islah. They’re like a team!

Where was Khaza born?

He was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. That’s a big place with lots of interesting things.

What song did Khaza’s dad make for him?

His dad made a song called “Khaza.” It’s named just like him!

What do Khaza’s parents do?

They own a music company. It’s like a magic place for music. Remember, Khaza is a kid like you, but with some pretty cool stuff going on around him!


In the world of music and fame, Khaza Kamil Gates shines bright as a young star. Khiza leads an exciting life with a dad who creates cool music and a mom who is adored by many on Instagram. He has a big sister to play with and a family that’s all about music.

Khaza may be young, but he’s already known by many because of his famous family. As he grows up, who knows what fun adventures and new things he’ll do? he’ll make music, too, or find another way to make his mark. For now, we’ll watch and cheer him on as he grows!


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